Animated Realities
"Animated Realities" is a curated selection of captivating animated films that transport audiences into imaginative worlds of wonder and emotion. From heartwarming tales to thrilling adventures, these animations offer a mesmerizing escape into fantastical realms and thought-provoking narratives.
Ship Down the Well
Xi Chen, Xiaolin Zhou, Liaoyu Chen
A boy was frightened by a ‘monster’ in the water, and was scared all the time. His friends brought him to a deserted yard. They found a statue of that ‘monster’ down a drained well…
“Ship Down the Well” is one of the 8 short films in a collection called ‘Yao – Chinese folktales’, which has gone viral in China in 2023, and has earned over 200 million views after only one month airing in China.
Filipe Consoni
Lonely is the first animated short film from Brazilian director Filipe Consoni.
It follows the story of a nameless character struggling through her day-to-day feelings of loneliness and isolation with a dreamlike solitude that draws one in. As she’s on the edge of giving up, something unexpected happens.
The film gradually unveils a variety of landscapes and situations that feel surreal, abstract, and even unsettling. It encourages viewers to come away with their own interpretation of the unfolding story, but a clear outcome: help is always within arm’s reach.
By sparking conversations around mental health and encouraging people to seek support, "Lonely" is a powerful reminder that no one is ever truly alone, and there is always someone out there who cares and wants to help.
The Pimple
Boyan Svetoslavov Taksirov
This is a film about suggestion and psychological influence based on our personal data through digital means. But the story is told in an allegorical way.
Luís Soares
A sad and restrained man lying on the bed in his empty room. Hesitates, ponder hypotheses in a cycle without deciding, stuck. In exhaustion all anguish equals. Another man is sitting at the window: he looks at him and to the street. Characters in broken situations. The key positions, the suspended sequences, are shown. The man almost decides - and they almost return, inside and out, to them and to the city, time and movement. Infinite dawn.
Goose Mountain
Rui Hu
A peddler helped an injured young man in the mountains, and the man invited him for a drink. A wondrous event happened when the man opened his mouth… The film uses the second person "you" to instill a fantastical sense of personal experience.
The story is dapted from the chapter of "Yang Xian Scholar" in "The Story of Jiqi", a collection of mystery folklore.
Goose Mountain is one of the eight short films’ collection called ‘Yao – Chinese folktales’, which has earned over 100 million views in the first month it aired in 2023, with a whopping score of 9.5/10 on the Chinese review platform Douban(China’s version of IMDB), and of 9.9/10 on Bilibili (China’s version of Netflix).
Little Stray
Kieran Latta
A stray dog roams the cold streets longing for a home, when two
men capture her. She is taken to a ‘vet’ for a check-up, before being transported into a warm home. First unsure, she learns to settle into the comforting environment. She goes on a car trip, thinking it is for a fun walk, but pulls up to a rocket site. Strapped into a rocket labeled the Sputnik 02, the dog is terrified as she is blasted into space. It is revealed that this is based on the true story of ‘Laika’ which occurred during the space race in 1957.
Cold Blooded
Anna Argiros
Cold Blooded is the story of a man whose holiday relaxation is interrupted when a fish in need asks him for help.
Joe Chang
The film is about an artist's real life and pious prayers. The film expresses the artist's desire for peace and a better life, but also shows the artist's exploration, helplessness and confusion. This contradictory state of mind will stay with the artist for the rest of his life.