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Calling all designers and artists! We are excited to announce our annual 3D Printed Trophy Design Competition for the 2025 Third Culture Film Festival. We’re looking for a unique and innovative design that embodies the spirit of creativity and cultural fusion. Your creation could become the coveted trophy awarded to filmmakers from around the world!


Design Specifications

  • Dimensions & Structure:

  • Height: Your masterpiece should stand tall at around 70mm.

  • Weight: Keep it light! The design should be lightweight, ensuring safe and easy international shipping.

  • Durability: Avoid delicate elements that could break in transit. Think sturdy and robust!

  • Design Considerations:

  • Spray Paint Friendly:

  • Design with painting in mind. Minimize tiny recesses and hard-to-reach areas to ensure a smooth and even coat of paint.

  • Steer clear of intricate internal details that can’t be painted easily.

  • Surface Finish:

  • Smooth surfaces are ideal for that sleek, polished look.

  • Keep textures subtle and easy to paint over.

  • Assembly & Mounting:

  • Mounting Space:

  • Include a hole or recess at the base for a mounting bolt (5-10mm in diameter).

  • Make sure there’s enough room around the mounting area for easy assembly, without tricky, hard-to-reach spots.

  • Stable Base:

  • A flat, stable base is essential. If your design has a detachable base, ensure it connects securely.

  • Accepted File Formats:

  • Preferred Formats:

  • Binary STL or 3MF – perfect for most 3D printing needs.

  • OBJ – acceptable if your design includes color information.

  • Technical Details:

  • Ensure your model is scaled to the correct 70mm height.

  • All meshes should be watertight with no holes or non-manifold edges.

  • Design Tips:

  • Keep It Simple: A minimalistic design can often be the most elegant. Reduce complex overhangs to avoid the need for support structures.

  • Strength in Simplicity: Avoid sharp corners and use rounded edges to increase durability and prevent chipping.

Ready to make your mark on the world of film? Submit your design and become a part of the Third Culture Film Festival’s legacy. We can’t wait to see what you create!


2025 Trophy Design Competition 

We’re thrilled to see your creativity in action! To ensure a fair and transparent selection process, our judging panel will evaluate each submission based on the following criteria:

1. Creativity & Originality

  • Does the design stand out as unique and innovative?

  • Does it convey a sense of artistic vision and creativity?

  • How well does it reflect the spirit and ethos of the Third Culture Film Festival?

2. Aesthetics & Visual Appeal

  • Is the design visually striking and well-proportioned?

  • Does it have an elegant or compelling form that would make it a desirable award?

  • Is the surface finish suitable for the trophy’s purpose, considering the painting and finishing process?

3. Functionality & Durability 

  • Is the design structurally sound and free from delicate or fragile elements that might break?

  • Does it have a stable base and overall balance to prevent tipping?

  • Can the trophy be handled and transported easily without risk of damage?

4. Ease of Production & Assembly 

  • Is the design optimized for 3D printing with minimal support structures required?

  • Are there considerations for the mounting and assembly process, including space for a bolt and access for tools?

  • Is the design practical for spray painting without hard-to-reach areas?

5. Relevance & Symbolism 

  • How well does the design represent the theme of cultural integration and celebration that the festival promotes?

  • Does it incorporate elements or symbols that resonate with the festival’s values of diversity and creativity?

Overall looking for a design that best represent's the festival's values and aesthetics.

Each submission will be evaluated by a panel of judges who are experts in design, and who are invested in the festival.

The design with the highest combined score across all criteria will be selected as the official 2025 Third Culture Film Festival Trophy!


Good luck to all participants! We can’t wait to see the incredible designs you come up with!

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